History loves winners

Powdered Wig Couture

When we look through other people’s portfolios and achievements, we only see the good side.  We see their success. What we don’t see is the uphill battle they fought to get where they are. We always compare our beginnings with somebody else’s final product. At least, that’s what I do constantly. The following videos show the importance of failure.

“In the 1950s, late ’50s, early ’60s, a bunch of advertising guys got together on Madison Avenue and decided to try to sell products to younger people. “We should try to sell to younger people because then they will buy things their whole lives … ”

So they told the television companies, and the movie companies, and the record companies — and everybody started targeting the youth. Because the youth was the place where you were going to be able to sell things.

What happened was, in a strange kind of…

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