5 What

Dear Ken, I prefer you other pictures which may confirm your feelings about this one “don’t working out” buth you remarks hit the point: Sometimes you have to forget the (big?) ego and declare it done. You’ve learned – even if it’s not good (in your eyes/ears) – so, you improved or just learned about yourself a little bit more. Time well spent from my point of view.

Art by Ken


11 x 18 in. mixed up media.

Every artist has pieces that never work out as well as they want. The masters just painted over them until they liked it enough to keep…I don’t by any stretch compare myself to them, but I am an artist…and I have pieces that don’t appeal to me as well as others…I present you with “5 What”, this has been worked many times until I just stopped..Sorry Mr. Robert Indiana, I couldn’t pull it off.  Why show it? Because I think it is important as artist we don’t take ourselves too seriously and keep our ego in check, Besides I did have fun doing this piece.The background is interesting , all lines are actually hundreds and hundreds of fives done in many colors, then a tissue paper over lay. But even tho this piece wouldn’t make my top 10, or 50 or…

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